Monday, 10 August 2015

Designs that has broken the rules!

5 Designs Which Has Broken The Rules
Source : Google

 This are one of Lady's Gaga heels that is designed by 27 years old by  philippines woman.  
it looks like an octopus tentacles as the based and the body of the heels.     

This are a t shirt design that i find really interesting.
Look at it! It looks like we can see through the man meat and bones! yikes haha.
 Well actually its just the design that make it look like it. 

This is a real meat! yikes! Lady Gaga worn this dress on the 2010
 Ammy Awards and make the public shock with the dress made of. 
                             This is a really unique bookshelves , because it has two functions.
                   that can be for books (bookshelves) and also people to sleep on and also sit on.
                                                    it  is unique with rounded shape also.

This is a jewellery that design very creative. 
A ring that looks like a knife that looks like cutting of your finger.

This is a very unique building. this building is called Krzywy Domek.
It was designed by Szotyńscy & Zaleski who were inspired by the fairytale illustrations.

 3 Design That Has Broken The Rules

(Group work)

What do you think about these designs?
These are pictures , that I , Ben , and Lydia are getting 
from furniture place called SPACE near the school. Well , yeah Rizal is absent. 
So he cant join us to search for 3 design that has broken the rules.

Lets , discuss first from the left side. the left side is a 
table that has 3 legs. the common one is 4 legs right but this one have only 3 legs. it also still can maintain its stability. The middle one is a lamp concept which has a unique design 
a horse as its model. Well ,I never seen this before. The right picture it is a chair 
with not its designs are not using common leg. it uses a curves of the chair to make it attractive , but its still stable thou.

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