Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Socratic Question

UWASocrates gobeirne cropped.jpg
Socrates statue
source : Google

Have you ever heard about "Socratic Question?"

Socratic questions means that pursuing a thought in alot of directions for many purporses. Socratic question will help us to develop ideas in our thinking. Socrates is the greatest educators who taught of this questions. The aim is to challenge the accuracy and the complicity of thinking of the information that is given.


Here are examples of a socratic questions : 

  • Why do you say that?
  • What could we assume instead?
  • What would be an example?
  • What would be an alternative?
  • What is another way to look at it?
  • What are the Consequence of that assumptions?
  • How does it applies to everyday life?

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